Foot Doctor & Magnetron Therapy Center


Foot Doctor

‘Customized insole’ is a device designed to restore your natural foot function. Many “biomechanical” (walking) complaints such as heel pain, knee pain and lower back pain are caused by wrong placement of foot position. Customized insoles re-align the foot and ankle bones to their neutral position, thereby restoring natural foot function.  

Best for all ages. Helps a great deal if one starts using at an early stage of pain. It helps to lead a comfortable life.

Yes. You must wear the customized insole with footwear always during all daily activities when at home or going outside. People who stand or walk all day will benefit more from the Customized insoles. For overweight individuals, customized insoles will also help to counteract the extra stress on the feet.

The customized insoles help in conditions like Heel Pain, heel spur Ankle pain, Knee Pain, Hip pain, Back pain, Toe Pain, Pronation, Supination, Flat foot, high arch, foot arch pain & Metatarsalgia, bunions to name a few.

Normally from the day you get the first complaint. Parents must get their children checked timely for deformities if any by visiting the center. It is recommended that one gets the foot alignment checked and use an appropriate insole in the footwear to avoid start of any pains. Those who use at early stage shall not have foot deformities. There by no need of surgery. For moderate to severe deformities, insole usage can arrest the deformity, Prevention is always better that cure.

Normally the existing footwear tends to align itself to the deformities. It may then mean correcting the Footwear as well as the deformity. Hence best is to start with a new footwear. However, the existing footwear can be checked for its condition and used so long they are in good condition.

Try and avoid High heels, Hawaii chappal’s, narrow shoes very tight shoes, slip- ons very loose shoes & soft out soled / flexible footwear etc.

Shoes with laces or Velcro which fit tight on the foot are the best. Sandals are less effective than shoes. Chappal’s should not be used.

Imbalance in your feet can alter the bony structure causing the various pains in the body. Customized insoles help to eliminate posture problems and thereby help relief from pains. Customized insoles would prevent injury or deformity from occurring and also halt the progression of the existing problems and allow healing to occur.

Yes. So long one starts using from the early stage of complaint.

Once a good practice is started it gives benefit if followed regularly. As long as you use customized insoles the relief will continue.

We at our center assess, scan and manufacture the insole customized to the patient which gives maximum relief. All these facilities are available under one roof.  


This technology has undergone many scientific clinical trials worldwide. Tens of thousands of patients have been treated successfully. A very high success rate of the treated patients is reported, creating a dramatic improvement in their quality of life.
Pulsating electromagnetic fields influence cell behaviour by inducing electrical changes around and within the cell. Improved blood supply increases oxygen pressure, activating and regenerating cells. Increased calcium transport stimulates the repair and growth of cartilage while at the same time decreasing pain dramatically.

PEMF has proven to be very effective, including osteoporosis treatment. Due to improved blood supply, oxygen levels increase, activating and regenerating cells. This results in improved calcium transport and better absorption of calcium in the bones, simultaneously decreasing pain dramatically. In addition, increased bone density results in improved fracture healing and less risk of breaking bones.


A study at the Pacific Health Research Institute in Honolulu was designed to provide concrete data on restoring bone mass in post-menopausal females. The bone density rose by an average of 5.6%. At the University of Graz in Austria, a similar study clearly showed a 6% increase in bone density after one year. These results make all the difference in functioning in good health or suffering from an increased risk for spontaneous fractures. The proportionate increase in fracture risk is directly related to decreased bone density.
PEMF has been proven to be very effective for healing delayed bone non-union and improving fracture healing. It has been shown to be beneficial in the case of problematic fractures and fractures with a large gap. Treatment can also be performed in case there are implants at the site.
We see a dramatic reduction in pain and inflammation in the treatment of sports injuries. Swelling is reduced fast, and PEMF stimulates the body to repair damaged tissue and speeds up the healing process.
We see a dramatic reduction in pain and inflammation in the treatment of sports injuries. Swelling is reduced fast, and PEMF stimulates the body to repair damaged tissue and speeds up the healing process.
The typical session lasts between 30 – 45 minutes. The duration may vary depending on your health condition and prescribed treatment plan.
The beauty of PEMF is there are no side effects! Sometimes the patient might feel tingling due to improved circulation, but this is no contraindication. Some people have a nice warm, and comfortable feeling during the therapy session.
The computer-controlled parameter settings contribute to optimal energy regulating and health-enhancing effects in a natural way. Normalization of membrane potential and improved metabolism are obtained by providing the cells with the optimum amount of energy, contributing to general fitness and strength. Protein synthesis is increased by enhanced regeneration; the disposal of waste materials is stimulated, and the natural immune system is activated. The overall energy level improves, health is stabilized, and fitness increases. It is an ideal way to maintain your good health!
This can only be accomplished when the pulsing electromagnetic fields penetrate sufficiently deep within the human body. The electrical influence and increase of the membrane cell potential cause an increase in oxygenation, which in turn increases the supply of nutrients. This results in the disposal of waste products from the cells and cell detoxification.
No human being is exactly like the other, and we are all unique with unique differences. This means it is impossible to know in advance if the same treatment parameters will work for all people the same way. To be sure that we will get the best possible effects, we need different program possibilities, hence the choice out of various programs for Magnetron systems!
Hundreds of studies show a wide variety of applications of pulsing electromagnetic fields (PEMF). Many studies confirm that if some basic rules are being observed with respect to the applied therapy parameters and the use of correct equipment, the benefits for the patient are substantial. The overall success rate for this form of therapy varies between 50 and 80 %. Evaluating more than 3000 patients at a large university hospital using Magnetron’s systems has shown an overall success rate of 85%!
Everyone responds differently to PEMFs. Some people do not feel anything when they first begin using the system. Others may feel calmness or drowsiness and increased warmth in the body with increased circulation. Other responses may be slight tingling, relief from discomfort, and “tipsy” after a treatment.
PEMF therapy is not recommended in the following conditions:
  • During pregnancy
  • People who have a heart pacemaker or other electrical implants
  • People with organ transplants
It is recommended to consult with a doctor in the following conditions:
  • When suffering from epilepsy
  • When having severe bacterial or fungal infections
  • Fever higher than 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Although there are no known side effects, some individuals may experience discomfort in the first few days due to the detoxification aspects of PEMF.
Yes, ongoing lifetime use of pulsed electromagnetic fields lowers stress levels in the body. This can prevent disease before it starts. This kind of preventative approach will lower healthcare costs overall by reducing the need for more costly treatments, such as surgery.
Try drinking lots of water. PEMF stimulates currents in tissues. These currents don’t flow well without hydration. Thus, drinking 8 glasses of water daily is necessary. For optimization through macronutrients, consume juices and whole food supplements to meet the fruit and vegetable requirements that very few of us can meet daily. These supplements will enhance cell function.